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Vaginal tihteningVaginal tihtening

[WPXperVideo id=5]How to tighten your vagina

You are most probably here because you are concerned about why your vagina is not as tight as it used to be, or perhaps you are concerned about the impact of childbirth on your vagina?

Lets get one thing crystal clear before we start, there are a lot of myths about vaginal looseness and it may be worth highlighting these and dispelling some of them before we look at how the vagina can be tightened naturally.

Myths and common assumptions around vaginal looseness:

Your vagina was much tighter when you were a virgin than it is now
Having lots of sex loosens the vagina
Childbirth loosens the vagina forever

It is easy to lay some of these myths to bed with some physiological knowledge. First of all, it is important to realise that the all important body parts here are the vagina, the vaginal wall muscles and the pelvic floor muscles that encapsulate the vagina. The muscle tissue of the vagina is very elastic, much like our skin on our body. If you pull the skin on your neck out, upon letting go it quickly snaps back to it’s original position. You could do this 1000 times and it would still snap back to its original position. The vagina is exactly the same – therefore we can rule out myth number 2 that lots of sex loosens the vagina. In fact, the opposite may be true which we will discuss later!

Let’s take a look a myth number 1…

It is fair to say that with age, most muscles in our body become less toned, or are certainly harder to keep toned. Elasticity in our skin becomes more stretched and this is hard to reverse although not impossible. The same is true of vaginal stretching, and certainly as us women get older we will suffer more vaginal looseness – however this is the only element of the myth of virgin vagina’s having more tightness being true. Psychological tension can cause the vagina wall muscles to contract and this is why young women find it difficult to insert tampons and the like in to their vagina, this is where the myth originates and this is where it should end – simply untrue – more sex does not cause a looser vagina!

Does childbirth cause a loose vagina forever?

Let’s take a look at myth number 3 – childbirth! Many women have gone through childbirth search Google for things like: How to tighten your vagina naturally? and How to tighten my vagina after childbirth?

Most of these women will profess to some sort of vaginal looseness and will want to know how they can make their vagina tighter and how it was before they had a child. Science tells us that women in their late teens and early twenties will most likely go back to normal in terms of tightness after around 6 months, unless they have had multiple children. For women in their 30’s or above it is a slightly different story and many will suffer persistent vaginal loosening and will notice it during lovemaking.

So this myth is half true.

How can you make your vagina tighter naturally?

Luckily, there are many ways in which you make your vagina tighter.

More sex helps tighten the vagina

This is our favorite technique although it takes time to take effect. Every time we have an orgasm our vaginal muscles contract multiple times, in effect giving our vagina a work out. When muscles contract regularly and over time they become more toned and firmer. Therefore, the more you have sex, the more you can tighten your vagina.

This technique is not our number one technique, purely because if we are not feeling comfortable in terms of the sex, there is less likelihood of an orgasm and therefore the technique does not work.

Kegel exercises (also referred to as pelvic floor exercises)

A brilliant and completely natural way to tighten your vagina is using Kegel exercises. These can be done almost anytime and anywhere and it almost impossible for anyone to know you are doing them. The exercise simply consists of trying to squeeze the vaginal muscles as if you are trying not to pee. You repeat 6 sets of 10 repetitions a 3-5 times each day. Over time, this will help to tighten the vaginal muscles.

Number 1 way to tighten the vagina naturally:

If we go back to our elastic skin analogy that we used earlier – the skin on the cheeks or neck snapping back straight away. We know that as we get older our skin becomes more stretchy and almost all women use some form of face cream to either reverse the signs of aging or delay the signs of aging.

Luckily for us, there is an amazing new product that does a very similar job to help tighten the vagina using a gel.

V-Tight Gel is a vaginal gel that uses the active ingredient Manjakani to naturally tighten the vagina. It has been used for centuries by women in eastern cultures to tighten the vagina and now it is available alongside the V-Tight exercise program so you get the best of both worlds.

Feel good about yourself and your sex life again without the need for surgery and using this completely natural product.

If you choose to try this product there is a complete 100% satisfaction guarantee and if you are not happy you will get your money back.

Enjoy more friction in your love life and check out the V-Tight Gel here.
Who should buy the V-Tight Gel?

We would say that if you are over 30 and have had children then this will help put the elastic back in your elasticity. If you are under 30 and have tried our other two techniques and you are still not achieving the results you want, then this could be for you.
Here is a link to V-Tight Gel on Amazon
You have nothing to lose with their money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied – 1000’s of women have tried and tested the V-Tight Gel and been completely happy with the results.

Why not join them today.

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